Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Self Portrait 2

This just a crazy picture of myself, which I alternated using Adobe Illustrator. This project was an outcome of me experimenting with illustrator and I am very happy with the outcome. It shows another side of me that many people get to see at first.

Self Portrait 1

This is my first self portrait all done on photoshop. Every single image or object has a significant meaning, because it represents something about me. First off the hand drawing represents my hand as a Fine Arts major. The tattoo gun, I've always liked tattoos and hope someday I will learn; right next to that is the logo LA Ink one of my favorite shows and I am a big fan of Kat Von D. The camera is the same as the one I have, I am also a photography minor. There are some bands and music artists listed those are selected ones just to show the wide range of music genres I listen to, its also an outlook of my personality, I am very open minded. I enjoy sports such as soccer and baseball, hence the soccer ball and NY Yankees logo. I also have a passion for cars and am a big VW fan and I also have a vw gti. I play guitar and used to have a fender, although my skills aren't good. The Guatemalan flag, which is where my family is from. Last, but not least the background color is my favorite!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Trip to Whitney

The trip to Whitney, was quite interesting. Some pieces I really enjoyed, others didn't find them much art, and others were amusing. The pieces I found most appealing were the instillation videos and the interactive ones. For example, Nina Berman's artwork on the effects of the war was very personal and gives a harsh impact to the audience. As opposed to Martin Kersels' work who has an interesting concept, however, it doesn' t catch much of my interest as Berman's. Overall the Bienniel was fun and entertaining also very diverse.